NOTE: This does NOT work on Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. Please use Chrome, Firefox or Safari.


1. Drag and drop this link to your bookmarks/favorites toolbar like in the above picture:


Do NOT click it now. It ONLY works at Audible from your bookmarks/favorite bar.

2. Go to Audible and log in. STAY at Audible.
3. Click the Audiobook Boom Listener Link bookmark that you put in your toolbar/bookmarks.
4. Your Listener page link will be revealed in a pop-up – copy and paste it to the Audiobook Boom request form.

If you can’t drag and drop it:

Try Right-clicking it (or on a Mac, Ctrl-click) and a menu should pop up. Select Bookmark this link or Add to Favorites. Once that is done, go to Audible, make sure you are logged in, and select that bookmark/favorite from wherever it ended up in your bookmarks/favorites menu or toolbar.